Kerry Wailes Yoga & Massage
About me
I am Kerry Wailes, a natural health practitioner in Flowerdale, Kangaroo Ground and Hurstbridge, Victoria.
Since having children, I have devoted my life to bringing health and well-being to others like you , to my family and to myself.
Over the past 20 years, I have received a number of qualifications, and extensive experience, in yoga teaching, massage and natural health.
I have a Yoga Teacher’s Diploma from the Sarasvati Yoga Society (2003). I am trained by the legendary Swami Sarasvati, one of the first proponents of yoga in Australia and I am a member of the Sarasvati Yoga Society. I have practiced yoga for over 30 years and taught for more than 20 years.
I have a Massage Therapist Certificate (1996) & Certificate IV in Massage (2009) from the Southern School of Natural Therapies and have been practicing massage since 1996.
I am a Raindrop Technique Practitioner, Level 2. Trained by Raindrop Australia, (2012).
I have a Certificate of Clinical Aromatherapy through ISHA (Institute of Spiritual Healing and Aromatherapy).
I am a Certified Level 3 Inspired EFT practitioner and training facilitator.
I am a member of the International Institute for ComplementaryTherapists (IICT) and insured for all modalities.
Prior to this, I received a Bachelor of Forest Science from the University of Melbourne. I worked in Natural Resource Management for 15 years, culminating in a position as Conservation Officer at the City of Whittlesea from 1993-6.I also completed a Permaculture Design Certificate in 2016.
For decades, I have had a passion for Natural Health, Community and The Environment.
I have done many wonderful things in the name of world- and self-exploration, from Buddhist retreats and climbing in the Himalayas, working on forest fire-fighting crews, studying ‘Acid Rain’ in The Netherlands, living with a Muslim family in Malaysia for over a year, to living in a tent whilst collecting tree seed in the Gippsland mountains. By far the most wonderful and crazy thing was getting married and having two beautiful kids.
I bring many beautiful elements from all of these teachings and life experiences to my healing work and aim to pass on gifts to others from what I have learnt.
These days, people often comment on my positive outlook and high energy levels.
I rarely wear make-up and I am regularly complimented on the youthful, healthy appearance of my skin. I have been mistaken for being years younger than my Birth Certificate tells me I am. I can do things with my body now, that I couldn’t do in my 20’s.
BUT… it wasn’t always so.
I used to smoke two packets of ‘roll-your own’ cigarettes a week and drink far too much coffee and alcohol. I also suffered from depression and migraines. I have had difficulties controlling my weight.
My family and I went through what is considered to be Australia’s worst natural disaster – the fires of Black Saturday, 2009. We lost our house at Pheasant Creek and many friends and neighbours.
My husband was a National Park Ranger, in charge of a fire crew on the day. He was subject to the subsequent Royal Commission. As a consequence of these events, he developed PTSD, (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).
I understand trauma, grief and loss. I also know that these may be healed. My husband no longer has PTSD. I have since created a blessed, fulfilling life. I have learned many tools through healing these experiences that I would like to share with others who require them.
I was inspired to change what I didn’t require any longer in my life, and I did. (And I still am becoming more empowered every day). My volition is that you, too, will be inspired by things that I offer to be the healthiest and most joyful you can be.
Namaste (The Divine Spark in me greets the Divine Spark in you),